
"Singing in the Rain"

Over the past week here in South Florida, we've been catching a few dearly missed spring showers. Spring is practically here! The trees and grass are looking a bit greener for all the wetness, and the air is divine to breathe. What a Glorious Feeling!
Just last night Adam, Bettina and I watched this classic musical, and we loved it. I adore old-time musicals; whenever I watch them, I think to myself, "Why didn't I see this sooner? I'm watching film history!" What a Glorious Feeling! I love Donald O'Conner's character in the movie, Cosmo, and his number "Make 'Em Laugh." He sure made me clutch my sides! xD
Having watched this movie, I finally understand what "doing Singin' in the Rain" means in theatre terms. (When someone sings behind the curtain while someone else, who doesn't have a good singing voice, lip synchs the song and takes credit for the performance). Great movie, great music, and great dancing! What fancy footwork! My goodness gracious, if people danced like that all the time, they wouldn't need to go to the gym!

Afterthought: I sure hope it doesn't rain on my parade when me and my sibs have to go to Improv class tonight. We ride there by bike!

1 comment:

Rainy said...

Ouch, I hope it didn't rain!

Oh, and I loved those drawings, keep working at it!